Becca’s Story

Becca’s Background

Becca’s journey into yoga began 14 years ago, amidst her career as a nationally competitive figure skater. What started as a physical practice to complement her athleticism blossomed into a life-changing experience. She discovered freedom on the yoga mat, where breath, movement, and music intertwined into a dance that deepened her intuition and relationship with herself.

In 2022 Becca received her 200-hr yoga certification and since then has collected wisdom from her mentors Anthony Chavez, Marissa Nash, and Halle Becker. With 350+ hours of teaching experience, she crafts immersive classes that safely allow you to explore your body's unique expressions, and connect to your inner spirit in a playful, grounded way.

Forming Ripple. Affect

Ripple. Affect was born from three elements: music, movement, and nature. After teaching hundreds of yoga classes, going to hundreds of live music shows, and listening to thousands of hours of the Grateful Dead, these are the roots that inspired Ripple:

  1. The ripple effect of happy dancers at a jam show. People express their differences through movement and sharing a love of musical journeys.

  2. Ripple by the Grateful Dead, a song I’ve been singing since I was 2 years old

  3. Nature. Live music and movement practices always bring me back to me. Music is home. Moving my body is home. Nature is home. Community is home.

The Ripple. Movement Philosophy

For Becca, true freedom in wellness is not about going through the motions. It's about feeling confident in one's practices, about embracing intuition over rigid instruction. The wellness industry is inherently contradictory as it promotes freedom but continues to force people into following rigid routines, hence, falling short of fostering genuine confidence and self-trust.

All Ripple. Affect practices empower you to connect with your deepest self on a soul level by finding your own flow.

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